

    Information regarding the workshops we facilitate.

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Our Workshops

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Upcoming workshops

Introduction to using the MMPI-2-RF- Thursday 4th July 2019

This workshop will introduce the 338-item version of the MMPI-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) to psychologists. The rationale for and methods used to develop the MMPI-2-RF, the various materials available to score and interpret the test, and interpretive recommendations will be covered. A substantial portion of time will be devoted to applications of the MMPI-2-RF in various public safety evaluations, including for pre-employment screening and fitness for duty evaluation purposes. A variety of workplace concerns will be discussed and empirical support for various recommendations will be reviewed. Finally, attendees will have an opportunity to practice the recommended strategy for MMPI-2-RF interpretation with case examples.

**Early bird rate, register by 17 June 2019**

Advanced Interpretation of the MMPI-2-RF- Friday 5th July 2019

This workshop will build on a previous “Introduction to the MMPI-2-RF (Restructured Form)” workshop. There will be four main agenda items. First, there will be more in-depth coverage of research on using the MMPI-2-RF for the assessment of under-reporting, personality disorders (especially antisocial, narcissistic, borderline, and paranoid), and predictive utility of MMPI-2-RF scale scores. Second, the recommended strategy for using and interpreting MMPI-2-RF results in the context of public safety personnel screening evaluations will be re-iterated and several example cases will be considered. Third, a series of topics based on questions submitted by audience members will be discussed, formally or informally depending on their nature. Finally, the audience will form smaller groups in which MMPI-2-RF findings will be integrated with the evaluations of public safety personnel.

**Early bird rate, register by 17 June 2019**
Click for workshop flyer and registration

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