Maria Passlow

Our Health and Wellbeing Consultant

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Maria Passlow

Health and Wellbeing Consultant

Maria brings a wealth of experience to her role as the practice’s health and wellbeing consultant. She has completed studies in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi), pain management with the Neuro Orthopaedic Institute (NOI), and wellness coaching. She holds a Diploma of Health Science* and a Graduate Certificate in Orthopaedic Nursing, and worked as a registered nurse for over 30 years in many areas. She also holds a Certificate IV in fitness, and ran her own fitness business for ten years.


Maria has a deep understanding of the way behaviours, experiences and patterns of thinking influence physiological health, and either support or undermine positive change. She works with clients who require support or intervention in the areas of sleep, nutrition, exercise, weight management, pain management, life transitions, or life balance. She also uses ACT to help clients address stress, anxiety, depression, and relationship issues.


*Completed in 1992 and recognised as equivalent to the current Bachelor of Nursing.


Please make enquiries regarding Maria’s availability.


Location: Batemans Bay, NSW and Canberra, ACT

Client ages: 18+ years

Client days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

health and wellbeing TOPIC OF THE MONTH

Sleep and CBTi

Why is it important for humans to achieve adequate sleep?

There is not one major organ within our body, or process in the brain, that isn't enhanced by sleep. So when sleep is disrupted, our body and brains can become impaired. 

However, from an evolutionary perspective, sleep seems to be the most foolish activity for any biological species to do! When we sleep, we cannot gather food, socialise, find a partner to reproduce, or protect our offspring or ourselves. So why would we put ourselves at such risk? If sleep does not serve a vital function, then it is the biggest mistake the evolutionary process has ever made!

But sleep does serve a vital function. Scientists have been studying the effects of decreased sleep on the brain and body for many years. 

Decreased sleep has been linked to:

  • lowered immune system – doubling your risk of developing cancer;
  • increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease;
  • disruptions to blood sugar levels so profound that you can be classed as pre-diabetic;
  • increased likelihood of cardiovascular disease – leading to stroke and heart failure; and
  • increased concentrations of the hunger hormone Ghrelin, meaning that despite feeling full, you will still want    to eat more.
  • sleep disruption also contributes to all major psychiatric conditions, including depression, anxiety and suicidality.


What is insomnia?

Insomnia is diagnosed by the following symptoms:

Nighttime symptoms

  • difficulty falling asleep
  • difficulty maintaining sleep
  • early morning awakenings

Daytime symptoms

  • fatigue, poor mood, concentration or memory difficulties
  • reduced work productivity or social functioning


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi)

CBTi is a program that aims to gradually reduce insomnia symptoms. The program was developed by the Australasian Sleep Association's Behavioural Management of Sleep Disorders education committee.

It consists of five sessions with a trained therapist, and is designed for people who are ready and motivated to improve their sleep.

The aim of the program is to gradually improve insomnia symptoms.

How is the program delivered?

Ideally the program is delivered once a week over five weeks. The therapist will introduce the use of a sleep diary which is specifically designed to track the sleep and wake times of the individual. Each week the diary is reviewed by the therapist, and goals are set for the following week.

The program addresses the following topics:

1) healthy sleep practices

2) Bed Equals Sleep Therapy (BEST), and Sleep Efficiency Training (SET)

3) relaxation therapy

4) cognitive therapy

5) relapse prevention

The program takes time, practice and commitment. It is designed to teach you how to identify behaviours that may be contributing to ongoing insomnia, and then with further education, teach you new behaviours to reduce insomnia symptoms. Once the program is completed, you will have the knowledge to revisit the treatment in order to manage any further episodes of insomnia.

Imagine being able to improve each and every aspect of your life just by improving your sleep!

To access this program, book your first session with Maria, our health and wellbeing consultant, via our reception team on 6232 4242 or at

Celebrating over 25 years in Canberra

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